Previous Meeting - Saturday, May 17 全国語学教育学会 The Japan Association for Language Teaching -JALT- Co-sponsor : Ibaraki University
1. Featured Speaker Presentation (14:30~ 16:00) Vocabulary and textbooks: What textbooks do, what they don't, and what you can do by Dale Brown (Osaka University) The commonsense view of vocabulary learning is that learning a word means learning its meaning. Vocabulary researchers, however, have established that there is a lot more to learning a word than this. Full
mastery of a word includes, among other things, knowing its spoken and written form, knowing the concepts it can refer to and what other words it is related to, and knowing the grammatical and collocational patterns
it occurs in. Classroom observation studies appear to show that teachers, for the most part, take the commonsense view and focus on word meaning. This presentation will begin by reporting on a study which
aimed to find out whether the same i...
Showing posts from April, 2014