Ibaraki JALT - October 2018 Meeting in Tsukuba
Date: Sunday, October 2 1 , 2 018 Venue: Tsukuba Gakuin University (Meeting Room #2) Morning Program: 10:00 – 12:00 Title: Female foreign language teachers in the Japanese labour movement By: Julia Kimura, lecturer, Mukogawa Women’s University Abstract/Overview: Women fill less than half of the permanent full-time jobs in Japan but make up approximately 70 % of the contingent workforce, which includes part-time and contract workers, such as university adjunct professors. Women are also underrepresented in the abour movement, which is notoriously a man’s world, particularly in top leadership positions. In this talk, I provide an account of women and organized labour in Japan, as well as a de scription of female foreign language teachers from inner circle countries participating in their labour union in west Japan. Afternoon Program: 14:00 – 16:00 Title: Overcoming challenges in providing support for participants in stu...