The 16th NEAR Language Education Conference (Co-Sponsored with Niigata Chapter)
The 16th Annual NEAR Language Education Conference (face-to-face) Theme: Creating and Sharing in the Language Teaching Context Date: June 29 . 2024 (Sat.) Venue: NUIS (Niigata Univ. of International & Information Studies) Furumachi Campus in Niigata City URL: com/ conference JALT Ibaraki is co-sponsoring the 16th NEAR Conference held by JALT Niigata. Professor James Morris is representing our chapter. Chapter Presenter: James Morris Presentation Title: Digital Tools and Japanese Language Learning: Present and Future Abstract: To be announced Bio-data: To be announced Plenary Speaker: Marc Helgesen Marc is professor emeritus at Miyagi Gakuin and a prolific author with over 200 articles, books, and textbooks to his name. His notable works include “English Teaching and the Science of Happiness” published by ABAX and the “Eng...