Sunday, December 9 Meeting

The Japan Association for Language Teaching  -JALT- 

Co-sponsor : Ibaraki University


1. Coaching in TPR Storytelling’s Core “Circling” Technique (13:00-14:00)
Dominic Jones (Sendai Seiyo Gakuin University) 

 This workshop demonstrates the teaching skill of Circling and coaches, teachers in its use, so that they can add it to their teaching tool kit. Circling is used to provide multiple comprehensible repetitions of the target language in a fun way that improves your students’ language acquisition. Circling is a core skill of TPRS. TPRS is a teaching method that has evolved from Dr Asher’s total physical response teaching tool that uses reading and storytelling to teach language using comprehensible input.

2. Sign Language in the Language-teaching Classroom (14:15-15:45)
Mariko Miyao, Tsukuba Gakuin University
Cecilia Ikeguchi, Tsukuba Gakuin University
Martin Pauly, Tsukuba University of Technology

Deaf and hard-of-hearing students are entering mainstream schools and mainstream society. A knowledge of Sign Language may aid teachers and hearing students in communicating with, and creating a more friendly environment for, these students.  Three teachers, neither specialists in Deaf Education nor experts at Sign Language, hope to introduce the audience to different languages (i.e., ASL and JSL/NS (American Sign Language and Japanese Sign Language/Nihon Shuwa) and a different culture (i.e., Deaf Culture).  
Some practical strategies for introducing SL into a classroom of hearing students will be demonstrated, as will the concept of thinking visually. Participants will become familiar with ASL grammar rules and shown how ASL can be used as the content of a web search activity. 

3. CEFR? - Some hints, how to use as a creative design tool in classroom     
Maria Gabriela Schmidt, University of Tsukuba    (16:00-16:45)

It is now more than 10 years that the CEFR has been implemented, 8 years since it was translated into Japanese in 2004 by Yoshijima et al. The discussion of its influence or if it is really needed (for what purpose and to what extent) becomes sometimes emotional. - Today I would like to give first just a brief introduction (neglecting the discussion) and then show some examples how to use the CEFR in classroom as a benefitting tool, for a transparent and a unique, creative design of your instructing sequences.

4. Business Meeting (16:45-17:15)

Sunday, December 9, 13:00 – 17:15
Ibaraki University, Humanities building Room C205 
 (Doors open from 12:45 a.m. No pre-registration required!)

JALT Members: Free    Non-Members: \500  

JALT Ibaraki chapter meetings are open to all interested in learning and teaching languages. Abstracts for the presentations and access information for the venue, as well as further information for future events are available on the chapter home page.

. . . and afterwards join us for the
Annual Chapter Year-End Party
Starts at 17:30 p.m.! At Coli Coli

Support the Chapter Book Fair!
Donate your unwanted books – and get used books for \50!

The Japan Association for Language Teaching  -JALT-



1. 全身反応ストーリーテリング教授法の主要な技術であるサークリング13:00-14:00
Dominic Jones仙台青葉学院短期大学)


2. 語学学習の授業における手話14:15-15:45
Mariko Miyao,筑波学院大学
Cecilia Ikeguchi,筑波学院大学
Martin Pauly,筑波技術大学

聾や難聴の学習者は普通学級に参加し、通常の社会生活を送っています。手話の知識は、教員やその他の学習者が彼らと意思疎通を図り、心地よい環境を作りだすことを補助してくれます。ASLJSL/NSAmerican Sign Language/アメリカ手話とJapanese Sign Language/日本手話)と聾文化を、3人の教員(聾教育や手話に関して専門家ではないのですが)が紹介します。

3. CEFR?-創造的な授業設計ツールとしての使い方のヒント
Maria Gabriela Schmidt,筑波大学16:00-16:45

CEFRが開発されてから10年以上が過ぎ、Yoshijima et al.らによって2004年に翻訳されてからは8年が経過しています。CEFRの影響に関する議論、あるいはCEFRが(何の目的でどの程度)本当に必要かどうかという議論は、時に感情的になってしまいます。今回は、簡単にCEFRについて説明し(議論の部分は割愛します)、その後、分かり易く独特で、そして創造的な授業設計の有益なツールとしてのCEFRの使用方法のいくつかの事例を紹介します。

4. 支部会(16:45-17:15

129日(日)13:00 – 17:15

参加費:  JALT会員:無料  1日会員:\500  学生:無料


...そして、茨城支部忘年会 に参加しましょう。
Coli Coli17:30から始まります!


Thanks to Google Maps!