
Showing posts from March, 2013
October Meeting Saturday, Oct, 5th, 13:00 – 17:00 
 1. Older students as both teachers and learners by Tadashi Ishida (13:00-14:00) The presenter will discuss possible reasons Japanese older learners have for being interested in studying English. He will also report on his activities to help them study English by demonstrations of certain aspects of Japanese culture and a program that matches up non-Japanese visitors with volunteer tour guides. The presentation will end with a case study illustrating what happened at a festival where international students from Waseda University carried a portable shrine with the help of residents of a downtown Tokyo community through the medium of English. BIO: Tadashi Ishida has been teaching English to senior citizens at community centers in Tokyo, sponsored by the Taito Ward Board of Education for the past 30 years. He is the Founder and Coordinator of JALT Lifelong Language Learning SIG. 2. English Rakugo and English teaching by Tat...