Next Ibaraki JALT Meeting

Saturday, February 14th, 2015, 09:30 – 17:00


Tsukuba Gakuin Daigaku

 Azuma 3-1, Tsukuba

The Japan Association for Language Teaching


        (Ibaraki Chapter)

Featured Morning Speaker:

Maria Gabriela SCHMIDT

 University of Tsukuba--Associate Professor

Morning presentation (10:00 - 11:45):

Listening and Pronunciation - Keep an eye on the mother tongue

Maria Gabriela Schmidt

To combine listening and pronunciation in language teaching is not that simple. Each belong to the opposite side of the sound, but listening is mostly invisible to us, and pronunciation is on the surface. When a student cannot understand the listening part, we will not be aware immediately, but if the sound of spoken language does not fit, it is obvious. - The approach will begin with the influence of L1 our mother tongue and then will switch to listening and pronunciation in the classroom and what we should consider important for the exercises. 


Since Sept. 2012, Assoc. Prof. at University of Tsukuba for German; Ph.D. in Comparative Linguistics (University of Mainz, Germany), M. A. in Philosophy. 

Teaching experience at university level since 1987, in South-Korea (1993-1996) and in Japan since 1998. Fields of interest: Listening, pronunciation, error analysis, grammar, CEFR and more. 


 University of Tsukuba--Professor Emeritus 

100 Similarities Between English and Japanese--How to Make the Best Use

Business Meeting (16:00~~

Doors open at 9:30 – No pre-registration necessary!

JALT Members: Free    One-day Members: 500 yen

JALT Ibaraki chapter meetings are open to all interested in learning and teaching languages. Abstracts for the presentations and access information for the venue, as well further information for future events are available here!

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