Ibaraki JALT March All-day Meeting


Morning 10:00 – 12:00
1. Teaching Writing: Why and how can we include grammar and culture (context)?
By Nivedita Kumari, Assistant Professor, University of Tsukuba (CEGLOC-centre)

Kumari has taught EFL Japanese learners for four years and has been interested in research related to cross-cultural studies on pragmatics. With a background and PhD in linguistics, she intends to apply the theories of linguistics to classroom teaching.

Afternoon 14:00 – 16:00
2. Educational development in Nepal
By Pramila Neupane, Assistant Professor, University of Tsukuba (CEGLOC-centre)

With a Ph.D. in International Studies and a Master’s degree in English Language Education, her current research focuses on socioeconomic issues in education in developing countries. Also being interested in student motivation, she will talk about educational development issues in Nepal in the changing political situation and share her research on student’s motivation in learning English.

3. Business Meeting (16:20~17:00)

Date: Sunday, March 11th, 2018, 9:30 – 17:00
Venue: Tsukuba Gakuin University (Meeting Room 2)
           Azuma 3-1 Tsukuba-shi

Doors open at 9:30.
No Pre-registration necessary! JALT Members: Free Non-members: 500 yen

JALT Ibaraki chapter meetings are open to all interested in learning and teaching languages. Abstracts for the presentations and access information for the venue, as well further information for future events are available on the chapter website. http://ibarakijalt.blogspot.jp/

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