Ibaraki Chapter June Meeting in Mito
Ibaraki Chapter June Meeting
Morning 10:00 – 12:00
1.The brain’s many different memory processes: applications to language teaching.
By Assistant Professor Bruno Jactat,
University of Tsukuba (CEGLOC-centre)
Bruno currently teaches French but has used auditory processing devices for training children, teenagers and adults in different languages. In this workshop he will give an overview of the brain’s various memory functions and let you experience firsthand how this can empower further learning in your classes.
Afternoon 14:00 – 16:00
2. Language-in-Education Policy in Nepal: Status and Challenges
By Researcher Manita Karki, School of Education, Kathmandu University, Nepal.
This presentation provides a brief picture of language policy and planning in Nepal especially English language education in particular. Further, it highlights some critical comments, and key challenges to language planning in Nepal.
3. Business Meeting (16:20~17:00)
Date: Saturday, June 16th, 2018, 10:00 – 17:00 (doors open: 09:00)
Venue: Ibaraki University, Kyoutsu-Kyoikku Bldg. No.2
(Meeting Room #11 (1st floor))
Bunkyo 2-1-1, Mito-city
Doors open at 9:30. No Pre-registration necessary!
JALT Members: Free Non-members: 500 yen
JALT Ibaraki chapter meetings are open to all interested in learning and teaching languages. Abstracts for the presentations and access information for the venue, as well further information for future events are available on the chapter website. http://ibarakijalt.blogspot.jp/
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