Ibaraki-JALT Chapter March 2021 Online/ZOOM Meeting

  We would like to invite you to our second online epic meeting. We have excellent presenters lined up for March and we are extremely honoured for their willingness to be the first in perhaps hereafter online chapter meetings.

Program details:

10:00~10:10 Opening Remarks


1. Presentation by Jenny Numadate , Junior Associate Professor, Ibaraki Christian University

Title: “Improving Student Confidence and Language Output Using a TBLT Textbook “

 Summary: Most Japanese students spend over ten years learning English as a foreign language, yet few of them become proficient at using it competently. Reasons for this include methods of instruction and confidence levels. Recently, the pedagogical focus has started to shift from PPP (present, practice, produce) to TBLT (task-based language teaching) in order to promote ‘real’ language acquisition and production. However, most of the textbooks offered in Japan are based on the PPP method of instruction. To rectify this, a textbook series based on TBLT has been written.

The presenter will discuss using one of these textbooks in a university seminar class for third and fourth-year English majors. As well as examining the differences between standard and task-based textbooks, this presentation will describe student attitudes towards the task-based activities, and the perceived effect on their skill and confidence levels.


2. Presentation by Naoko Ochiai, lecturer at Tsukuba University, Ibaraki University and Meikei High school

Title: "Digital Educational Tools for Online Lessons.”


My presentation will cover useful apps for online lessons such as Voice-memo, Kahoot!’s self-learning mode as an educational game tool where students can compete in real-time, and Mysimpleshow, a URL which allows teachers to provide free basic version of making attractive video quickly with limited functions. There are two types of online lessons which are held at real time and the one on on-demand basis. These apps and URL can be used in both types. Voice memo is an app for recording voices into mp3 file, with which students can practice target sentences or the passage they created and share them on the LMS easily. Kahoot!’s “assign”-mode enables teachers to let students compete together in online-live lesson only by giving them the PIN on the screen. Lastly, Mysimple show, the new app for making an explainer video in minutes will be introduced.

 11:45~12:00 Business Meeting & Election

 Participation details:

To get details of the zoom meeting, please contact via email:


Deadline:  March 25, 2021