
The 16th NEAR Language Education Conference (Co-Sponsored with Niigata Chapter)

     The 16th Annual NEAR Language Education Conference  (face-to-face)   Theme:  Creating and Sharing in the Language Teaching Context Date:  June 29 . 2024 (Sat.) Venue: NUIS (Niigata Univ. of International & Information Studies) Furumachi Campus in Niigata City   URL: com/ conference     JALT Ibaraki is co-sponsoring the 16th NEAR Conference held by JALT Niigata. Professor James Morris is representing our chapter.  Chapter Presenter:   James Morris Presentation Title:   Digital Tools and Japanese Language Learning:  Present and Future Abstract: To be announced Bio-data: To be announced Plenary Speaker: Marc Helgesen Marc is professor emeritus at Miyagi Gakuin and a prolific author with over 200 articles, books, and textbooks to his name. His notable works include “English Teaching and the Science of Happiness” published by ABAX and the “Eng...

Ibaraki JALT March 2024 All-day Face- to-face Meeting

Date:  March 17, 2024 Fee:  Members: Free, Non-Members: 500 yen   Venue:   Ibaraki University, Mito, Ibaraki-prefecture Address:  2-1-1, Bunkyo, Mito Location map in Japanese: generalinfo/campus/mito/ Access in English: access/   Meeting Room : Seminar Room, the 3rd Floor, Ibaraki University Library (in front of the main gate) ------   How to reach the library and/or park your car 1.       O btain a parking permit at the guard station at the main gate.  2.       Then, go to the visitor’s parking lot entrance ( 来客用駐車場入り口 ).  Park your car in the space highlighted yellow in the map.  (See the attached word file:  “Ibaraki university parking.docx”)     3.  Walk to the library.  -----   Morning session:  10:00 – 12:00   Two chapt...

UTCEGLOC/JALT Event 1.31.2024

  Academic Writing Support Desk - Second Anniversary Event In conjunction with JALT Ibaraki and JALT Tokyo Chapter and the University of Tsukuba,  the Academic Writing Support Desk (AWSD) second anniversary event will take place on Wednesday 31st January 2024 between 3.00pm and 5.00pm (in-person and online).    Louise Ohashi will be presenting on Using Machine Translation for Writing. You can also find out more about how the writing desk supports learners and learn about the tutor training program at AWSD. This event is FREE and open to all.  Please fill out this registration form to receive your Zoom Link/Information for the event. Registration will close on Tuesday 30 th  January 2024 at 12pm (JST).    Link for the registration -

Chapter Forum Event - Sunday, September 17, 2023

  Why are Japanese’ communication skills lagging behind their Asian counterparts? What is missing in Japanese EFL education? What is necessary to achieve fluency? What can Japan learn from EFL/ESL teaching and language environments of other countries? Professionals from diverse cultural background in JALT Ibaraki Chapter will discuss these issues and suggest ways to successfully achieve the goal of effective English instruction in Japanese elementary schools. (by Cecilia Ikeguchi) Theme:  Towards an Effective Implementation of EFL Education in Japan Date:  Ibaraki-JALT Meeting on September 17, 2023  Fee:  Members:Free, Non-Members: 500 yen Venue:  Ibaraki University, Mito, Ibaraki-prefecture  Address:  2-1-1, Bunkyo, Mito     Location map in Japanese: generalinfo/campus/mito/     Access in English: access/     Meeting Room: First Floor of the Uni...

Peer Support Group Workshops Co-sponsored by Ibaraki Chapter - August 26 on Zoom

The Peer Support Group, PSG, is holding the second writers' workshop by Melodie Cook on August 26 .  Ibaraki JALT Chapter is a proud sponsor and host for the upcoming events. Please register beforehand using the QR code in the poster. 

Peer Support Group Workshops Co-sponsored by Ibaraki Chapter - June 14 on Zoom

  The Peer Support Group, PSG, is holding a series of workshops for JALT members who are seriously thinking of having their work published. Please have a look at our first iteration of the workshop series poster below, to get an idea of how it will all come together or visit the PSG page: writers-peer-support-group- psg/23-06-14 Here is the link to register for Daniel's presentation in June. The zoom will be provided to registrants. kaygTZiGBhpuCoND6 We hope to see you there 

Chapter Online Event -- Sunday, April 16th, 2023

Register here   (open until Saturday, April 15) Cost:  Free  Morning Session -- Cancelled Lunch Break 12:00 - 13:30 Afternoon Session 13:30 - 15:30 Title: Renaissance of Nature-New Year of 300 Million Throughout the Middle East Presenter: Abdollah Dodangeh Abstract Now-Ruz (New Day), is an ancient Persian New Year celebration that dates back 3000 years. It has been a Zoroastrian holy celebration for the new year and the birthday of Zoroaster. Nowruz Celebration has Religious and Secular dimensions. Both have evolved significantly over various societies. The one with the extension of observance, the other with the accumulation of charming poetic tradition. The celebration is the astronomical beginning of the spring season on March 21, with the commencement of the Vernal Equinox/Spring Equinox, known as春分の日in the Japanese calendar, which is traditionally considered the celebration of the victory of spring over winter; light over darkness; and love over hate. Nowruz is nowa...